dimarts, 21 de novembre del 2017


Last Wednesday 15th November all Marinada’s secondary students went to see a theatre play in English in the big hall of our school.
The play was called Hitchcock and it was performed by a company of English actors. Hitchcock is a tribute to the famous film director Alfred Hitchcock. It is about a film producer who is looking for a director for his next film. He gives an opportunity to a young boy who is a runner. This boy has different ideas which are based on different films by Hitchcock The BirdsThe Rear Window Rope and Psycho. They finally choose Psycho and it becomes a great success. The play is funny and humorous and they also sing songs!
At the end of the play, some of the students had the opportunity to ask questions to the actors.

This activity is a fantastic opportunity for students to practise their English and we are very lucky to have an English theatre company with native English actors in our school.


Last Wednesday 15th November all Marinada’s secondary students went to see a theatre play in English in the big hall of our school.
The play was called Hitchcock and it was performed by a company of English actors. Hitchcock is a tribute to the famous film director Alfred Hitchcock. It is about a film producer who is looking for a director for his next film. He gives an opportunity to a young boy who is a runner. This boy has different ideas which are based on different films by Hitchcock The Birds, The Rear Window,  Ropeand Psycho. They finally choose Psycho and it becomes a great success. The play is funny and humorous and they also sing songs!
At the end of the play, some of the students had the opportunity to ask questions to the actors.

This activity is a fantastic opportunity for students to practise their English and we are very lucky to have an English theatre company with native English actors in our school.

divendres, 10 de novembre del 2017


Els i les alumnes de 3r ens hem fet grans, però no hem perdut la nostra essència característica, que és ser feliços i gaudir del nostre tarannà humorístic. Ens agrada molt parlar i jugar al pati mentre esmorzem.

Creiem que enguany hem millorat en tots els àmbits excepte a les escales: tenim un pis més per pujar!